Dr. Frank Kaufmann’s


Content and Media

Our World Plainly Seen Podcast

Commentary on Society and Culture with Perspectives from Spirituality and Values


Exclusive Medium Publications

Society and Culture

Commentary by Frank Kaufmann

Filial Projects

Founded in Gratitude and Honor 


Twelve Gates Foundation

Twelve Gates Foundation holds that enduring peace is possible. Harmony among people and with nature arises from the experience of life as sacred, and manifests in thriving cultures and societies.


New World Encyclopedia

The New World Encyclopedia is designed to organize human knowledge so the reader will learn information for its value to them, our social responsibilities, and our relationship with nature and the environment.


The Settlement Project

The Settlement Project envisions a world in which all people live freely and in peace, served by governments that preserve and protect inalienable and irrevocable God-given rights.


Professors World Peace Academy

Professors World Peace Academy is a unique community from every discipline committed to peace, prosperity, and positive human welfare.

Filial Projects

Values In Knowledge Foundation

Values in Knowledge Foundation addresses problems related to media and the transmission of knowledge and information


Frank's Interfaith Life In Pictures


Scribd Author Page


Amazon Author Page




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